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Laser Tattoo Removal System LG-LM1

Products > Laser Aesthetic > Laser Tattoo Removal System LG-LM1

Laser Tattoo Removal System LG-LM1

Light three advanced technologies: Bipolar Radio frequency + IPL + skin contact cooling.

When the three are united in one treatment, wonderful treatment experience and result 
can be expected. The energy of Radio Frequency can reach the middle and lower layer 
of the skin and heat up tissue, thus, lower energy be applied during the IPL treatment.
 Uncomfortable feeling during the IPL treatment will be decreased significantly and the 
same even better result can be expected. In addition, cooling system involved in E-light can also ease the uncomfortable feeling.
The absorbing of the energy of radio frequency is not concerned with melanin. So, the E-Light system can get good result on the soft or thin hair so as to decrease the risk 
caused by traditional IPL treatment

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