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Your current position: Company Profile

Company Profile

LINYI HIGH-TECH ZONE XIUMEI OPTRONICS S&T CO.,Ltd, which is founded in March 2012, located at Linyi Sci&Tech park, and have convenient transportation. XiuMei Optronics is a High-Tech company which dedicates to manufacturing, development all kinds of laser crystals and optical components, medical and aesthetic equipment(Nd:YAG lasers, IPL, RF, E-light). XiuMei Optronics is sub-camp restructuring of Shandong NEWPHOTONS S&T Co.,Ltd business and Langun business, covering laser crystals from NEWPHOTONS and aesthetic equipment from Langun. Our professional research experts and technical worker have 13 years’ experience in crystals field and 9years’ experience in aesthetic equipment field. The company is well equipped with international advanced production equipment and inspection system.

With the principle of sincerity and integrity, XIUMEI Optronics will keep improving and supplying more advanced products to meet more customers' requirements

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